Body Building

What Is Whey Protein and How Does It Work?

What Is Whey Protein and How Does It Work?

Overview Whey Protein has always been a go-to supplement for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and bodybuilders for lean muscle mass and fat loss. Most people use whey protein to improve their performance and increase strength. It is also used to treat asthma and many other issues and aids in weight loss.

Various studies support whey protein's benefits, such as its ability to increase muscle strength, lose body fat, and gain muscle. The best part about whey protein is that it is the best-researched supplement in the world.

In this article, we will cover what and how whey protein is made, learning more about the basics of the best whey protein to make our knowledge about whey protein strong and clear.


Whey Protein is a byproduct of cheese production. The liquid form of whey then goes through various drying processes to form a powdered supplement form. This end product is known as whey powder and is an excellent source of protein.

The best whey protein has a complete amino acid profile with great digestibility and bioavailability. It is also commonly used as a powder in meal replacers or bars and can aid in weight loss.


There are three main types of whey protein powder, and the effect of whey protein varies based on their type and how whey protein works. Types of whey protein include the following:

1. Whey Concentrate: Whey protein concentrate, containing approximately 80% protein, is a cost-effective choice. It may contain traces of fat, lactose, or other compounds, but its affordability per gram of protein makes it a popular option. It's a readily available whey protein, ensuring you get the most out of your budget.

2. Whey Isolate: Whey isolates, with their high protein content of almost 90%, are a reliable choice. They are significantly low in fat, sugar, and lactose, making them a powerhouse of protein. This is why they are often recommended for inclusion in a fitness athlete’s diet, instilling confidence in their effectiveness.

3. Whey Hydrolysate: This type of whey protein, whether in isolates or concentrates, is a unique offering. It's broken down into amino acids for faster absorption and improved bioavailability, making it a valuable investment for those seeking enhanced protein absorption.

While it may be higher in price per gram than whey isolates and concentrates, its unique properties make it a worthwhile investment for your health.


Whey protein is required to meet our everyday needs. Everyone, including fitness enthusiasts, must include protein supplements if the natural protein sources are insufficient to meet their recommended intake. Hence, everyone should consume whey protein powder to complete their nutritional needs.

Not all proteins are created equally! Whey is considered to be one of the superior forms of protein. Here, we share the top 6 reasons to include whey protein in your diet immediately.

1. Increases Muscle Mass
Whey protein contains all essential amino acids, including the branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine. Leucine helps fuel muscle cells and supports muscle protein uptake and balance. Whey protein has been shown to have the best results in building muscle mass when combined with strength training.

2. Improves Metabolism and Promote Weight Loss
Whey protein can also help increase fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass. One of the studies published in the esteemed journal also confirmed this. It was observed that those who consumed whey protein lost significant weight compared to those who did not.
Users consuming the best whey protein in India also showed greater maintenance of lean muscle mass. Protein helps burn more calories and prevents slowing metabolism when you lose weight.

3. Helps Lower Blood Pressure Levels
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Whey Protein contains ACE inhibitors, which have been studied to have a positive effect on lowering blood pressure levels. This effect was seen only in those individuals who have high blood pressure. Thus reducing the risk of heart stroke or disease.

4. A Great Source of Antioxidant
Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants your body requires. Glutathione production depends on the supply of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. Whey protein is rich in all essential and non-essential amino acids.
Hence, it can help boost the production of glutathione in your body. It is being studied to determine whether it secures free radical damage and oxidative stress.

5. Helps Improve Immunity
Whey protein is an important constituent that builds immunity and strengthens your body to fight infection. Whey Protein is responsible for producing glutathione, a foundation of a cell’s defence system.
Whey proteins are soluble dairy proteins comprising several components, such as alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, etc. Each of these has an important function in enhancing the immune system.

6. Helps Lowering Cholesterol
One study shows that overweight men and women who consumed whey protein supplements observed a significant decrease in total and LDL cholesterol compared to the casein group.

So, this is all about how does whey protein works. However, you should consult with your doctor before consuming any supplements.


Ensuring that all 20 amino acids are readily available to the body through the bloodstream is not just important, it's crucial. When the body lacks sufficient amounts, it may resort to breaking down muscle and other tissues to obtain the necessary amino acids for vital, life-sustaining functions.

This state, known as catabolism, can lead to serious health risks. Protein, therefore, is not just a source, it's the optimal source for obtaining all the essential amino acids that the body needs, preventing such risks.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), meeting your protein requirements is not just about maintaining health, it's about enhancing physical performance. For a sedentary adult, the basic protein requirement is 0.8 – 1g/kg body weight.

However, for those aiming to build muscle, the requirement increases to 1.2 – 1.7g/kg body weight. And for serious athletes focused on strength, it's 1.7 – 1.8g/kg body weight. Protein is your ally in achieving peak performance.

A recent survey reveals a startling fact-93% of Indians are unaware of their protein requirements and are not able to meet their requirements through natural food sources. This widespread lack of awareness and deficiency is a serious concern.

While natural food sources are essential, adding supplements to your diet can help bridge the gap between the requirement and the deficiency. Whey protein, which constitutes almost 80% of the milk protein, is not just any protein. It's one of the fast-absorbing proteins, meaning it gets to work in your body quickly.

It also has the best bioavailability compared to the other sources, which means your body can use it more efficiently. These qualities make whey protein a top choice for many fitness enthusiasts and athletes.


You can feel confident when taking home a GNC brand Protein product because

  • With superior protein formulas, GNC whey protein contains the full amount of protein stated on the label and is 100% Real Protein with NO protein spiking.
  • Up to 150 quality checks are done before it reaches the market.
  • GNC Proteins are WADA and Informed Choice Certified. Hence, our proteins are tested and certified and banned substance-free.

Our Take

Whey protein is generally healthy to add the required quantity of protein into your diet, which is easy to utilise and absorb by your body. Protein acts as a king of nutrients when it comes to fat loss and weight gain. Don’t use whey protein if you have a lactose or dairy allergy.

Whey Protein is generally well-tolerated, but in special cases, there may be chances of bloating, headache, or nausea. However, this can be alleviated by monitoring your total protein intake. Always consult your doctor before consuming any dietary supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is whey protein?
Whey protein is nothing but just a byproduct of cheese production. The liquid form is separated as whey, then processed into powdered form.

2. Is whey protein safe?
Whey protein is usually considered safe to consume if you are a fitness freak and want to lose weight, significantly increasing protein intake as it helps you to build muscle strength.

3. Is whey protein good for health?
Through protein, you get all the amino acids you require to repair damaged muscle tissue and regenerate new muscles, which has been shown to promote new healthy muscles. It helps reduce inflammation, which ultimately helps to reduce the occurrence of various chronic conditions.

4. How much protein in 1 scoop of whey protein?
One scoop of whey protein has approximately 25-30 grams of protein.

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