With your new year’s resolutions penned down, goals set, and blood pumping with determination, it’s time you focus on a healthy diet alongside exercising consistently. A healthy diet is the key to achieving your ideal body goals. Whether you are looking forward to shedding some weight or gain some muscle, it all starts with perfectly balanced nutritional food.
Amidst a variety of ‘super’ foods available in the market, it may get a little confusing to know where to begin. You may get lost in the stacks of nutrition charts of various foods. To save the day, we are here with a list of ten foods that you should go for in 2022 to keep yourself healthy.
1. Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away is something we all are very well aware of. But how many of us include it in our daily diets? Very few. Apples are an easily available source of soluble fibers as well as polyphenols, an important group of antioxidants. It is good for cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of diabetes. Besides these, apples are also associated with weight loss and supporting gut health. Therefore, apples are packed with nutrients vital for our overall immunity. You can incorporate them into your diet as snacks or a healthy breakfast to power you throughout your day.
2. Citrus fruits: With waves of pandemic, we all have realised the importance of Vitamin C in our lives. Winter is the season of citrus fruits. From an everyday orange to exotic fruits like strawberries, there is a variety of citrus fruits available in the market. Besides preventing chronic diseases and boosting immunity, Vitamin C rich citrus fruits are known to improve skin health. You can get a glass of fresh orange juice in place of your morning coffee or incorporate fruits like kiwi, strawberries, etc in your salads. If you have a fast paced day with not enough time to get juice or salad, you can try GNC one daily multivitamins. A caplet daily is enough to meet your body’s requirements of vitamins and minerals.
3. Nuts: From keto to vegan, nuts can be incorporated into all types of diets. To say the least, nuts are one of the most famous healthy foods. Rich in fiber, protein, vitamin E, and many minerals, nuts are also the most convenient of foods. You can grab a small handful of mixed nuts or add them to your porridge, oats, and even some salads. They are loaded with antioxidants and are effective against chronic diseases like a heart attack.
4. Tomatoes: Be it soup, salad, or juice, tomatoes can be consumed in all ways. Despite being under the umbrella of the fruit family, tomatoes are treated as vegetables. Call them a vegetable or a fruit, they are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its high levels of lycopene and beta-carotene help prevent heart attacks. They are also good for cancer prevention and promote skin health. Therefore don’t limit your tomato intake to just ketchup, try curries, soups, salads, and baked dishes too.
5. Green Leafy Vegetables: Greens are one of the most important components of a balanced diet. Some are rich in iron, like spinach and wheatgrass, while others are a rich source of vitamins. You may have hated them as a kid, we all did, but they are undeniably good for our overall health. If you consume them as green juice, you’ll get a bunch of prebiotics that are good for gut health. From weight maintenance to improved health functions, greens are a must-have in your daily diet.
6. Salmon: We have our greens in order so let’s talk about some protein. Salmon provides you with a range of nutrients. They are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, abundant in B Vitamins, and are a good source of potassium. It is also a good source of antioxidants and selenium. To sum it up, salmon is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. You can take two portions of fish per week, and whenever possible go for the wild variety as it contains more omega 3 and is rich in antioxidant astaxanthin.
7. Oats: Fiber is an essential component, and oats are rich in a fiber called beta-glucan. Pure oats are gluten-free and safe for those who are gluten intolerant. They are also incredibly nutritious. From manganese and phosphorus to iron and zinc, they are loaded with healthy nutrients. You can make them savory or can add fruits and honey to soothe your sweet cravings.
8. Lentils: Lentils are high in nutrients. A cup of cooked lentils provides you with 15.6 grams of fiber and 17.9 grams of protein. They are also an excellent source of iron, potassium, and zinc. High amounts of fiber help boost energy and keep you full throughout the day. This may aid in avoiding untimely snacking. They are also a good choice to get the required amount of protein if you are a vegetarian. From soups to salad, there are a number of ways to eat lentils.
9. Yogurt: Non-flavoured yogurt may be a not-so-tasty option for many of us, but it is very healthy. It is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, and iodine. It contains good bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria which promote digestive health. The probiotics also strengthen your immunity and help prevent illnesses such as the common cold and flu. It also strengthens your bones and supports cardiovascular health. You can enjoy it with your meal, as a snack with fruits, and can even make drinks on a hot day.
10. Whole grains: For tens and thousands of years, whole grains have been an important part of our diets. From fibers, proteins to antioxidants, and some essential minerals and vitamins, whole grains are packed with nutrients. It reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and helps prevent obesity. They also support digestion and lowers the risk of diabetes type-2. They can be consumed in various ways, from bread to stews. A fistful portion at a time should be enough to meet your daily nutrient requirements.
Experts say that the best way to plan diets is to look out for foods that one should be eating, rather than worrying about the ones we shouldn’t. Try to incorporate the above-mentioned foods into your diet plans for a healthier life.